Barry Mosley / Jazz Valve Trombone and Music Educator

Inspired by the great valve trombonist BOB BROOKMEYER, Barry Mosley is dedicated to playing jazz valve trombone. The first important jazz valve trombone masters were JUAN TIZOL and BRAD GOWANS in the 1930s and 1940s, setting the stage for others to follow.The valve trombone has a unique place in jazz history.
Barrys first great jazz credit as a young artist was performing many times with jazz legend CHET BAKER in the mid1980s by Chets invitation. The lyrical qualities of Bob Brookmeyer and Chet Baker has been a major influence on Barrys approach to jazz. In Los Angeles Barry was mentored by trombone legends SLYDE HYDE and BILL WATROUS.
Performing with his trio or quartet, Barry has been performing at top Los Angeles jazz clubs for many years as well as performing for special Los Angeles society events. Barrys valve trombone style has also been greatly influenced by the cool sounds of California s WEST COAST JAZZ providing for a unique and always swinging jazz experience.
New CD with the amazing DOUG MACDONALD on guitar, MIKE FLICK on bass and guest trumpeter DAVID LONGORIA on tracks 3,6.8.
Classic Jazz Standards , Barry Mosley on valve trombone with the great talents of STEPHAN OBERHOFF on piano and CLIFF HUGO on bass. A natural in studio jazz recording.
Special LONG TONES designed to keep your playing constant and steady and build your range. Based on studies from master trombonist.
Often in the REAL WORLD of performance warm up time is limited. This Ebook shares ideas from TOP trombonist on the best way to do that.
This special Ebook all about VALVE TROMBONE shares biographies and discographies of the legendary jazz valve trombonist, playing concepts and tips and much more.
A guide for parents of brass students and AID FOR BAND DIRECTORS. Instrument advice, mouthpiece advice, sound production and practice habits advice And much more to get off to a great safe start.
Los Angeles, California, United States
Voice Message only ( no text ) at (818) 754-4511
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